Estate Plan

5 Estate Planning Tips for Unmarried Couples

In today’s modern landscape, an increasing number of couples are opting to become life partners rather than taking the route of traditional marriage. While unmarried couples don’t share all of the same legal rights as married couples, specific estate planning can go a long way to bridge the gaps. Let’s explore some estate planning tips [...]

5 Estate Planning Tips for Unmarried Couples2022-11-15T16:27:20+00:00

7 Tips on Choosing an Attorney for Your Estate Plan

Estate planning helps you prepare for your future, and protects your family from a lengthy, complex, and time-consuming probate process. Your estate planning documents address your end-of-life wishes, ensuring your assets are distributed correctly. In preparing the documents you want to be sure they capture every crucial detail of your estate, thus it's vital to [...]

7 Tips on Choosing an Attorney for Your Estate Plan2022-11-03T16:33:17+00:00

What is an Estate Plan and Why You Need One

No one likes to think about planning for the final stages of life, but it’s an important step that shouldn’t be ignored or avoided.  You spend your entire life working hard and acquiring assets. As you get older, or if something tragic, sudden, and unexpected occurs, the money and property you leave behind might not [...]

What is an Estate Plan and Why You Need One2022-11-03T16:25:56+00:00

Estate Planning and Probate Services in Michigan

Control & Protect Your Legacy, Foley Law Offices Can Help   No one knows for sure how or when a person will pass away, but with proper planning, there’s one thing you can have complete control over, and that is determining what happens to your assets after you die. Why leave this decision in the hands [...]

Estate Planning and Probate Services in Michigan2022-09-19T19:16:33+00:00

Assets Worth Mentioning in Your Estate Plan

There are many assets that people tend to overlook when planning their estate. Whether for sentimental reasons, or the financial security of your family, these are some of the most important assets to include in your estate plan: Home Like most people, your home is probably your most valuable asset. Make sure to include it [...]

Assets Worth Mentioning in Your Estate Plan2022-06-07T10:39:01+00:00
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