estate planning lawyer livonia

Assets Worth Mentioning in Your Estate Plan

There are many assets that people tend to overlook when planning their estate. Whether for sentimental reasons, or the financial security of your family, these are some of the most important assets to include in your estate plan: Home Like most people, your home is probably your most valuable asset. Make sure to include it [...]

Assets Worth Mentioning in Your Estate Plan2022-06-07T10:39:01+00:00

How a Local Business Lawyer Can Help Your LLC

Though it’s not required in all states, if you’re thinking about starting a limited liability company (LLC), hiring a business lawyer can be beneficial in providing peace of mind and protection from personal liability. There are a few things to consider when deciding whether or not to hire a business lawyer. The first is the [...]

How a Local Business Lawyer Can Help Your LLC2022-06-07T10:33:06+00:00

Estate Planning by Yourself is a Bad Idea

Oftentimes, persons underestimate the value of an experienced team of professionals and take on the task of handling estate planning on their own. The multitude of complex legal issues involved in such an undertaking deem it a matter best left to an expert. Here are some of the top reasons why estate planning yourself is [...]

Estate Planning by Yourself is a Bad Idea2022-05-03T18:17:11+00:00

Common Estate Planning Miscalculations

Estate planning is a highly avoided process that everyone should go through, but also one that can be fraught with paperwork, tax laws, litigation, and without the right guidance, mistakes. Here are some of the most common things people miscalculate the importance and significance of when considering estate planning: 1. Not Having a Will The [...]

Common Estate Planning Miscalculations2022-05-03T18:11:03+00:00

How Having An Estate Plan Protects Your Loved Ones

If you plan to have your assets transferred securely to surviving loved ones after you pass away, then you should definitely consider establishing a good estate plan. An established estate plan helps to ensure that your wishes and needs are met when you are unable to speak for yourself. Remember, estate planning is not only [...]

How Having An Estate Plan Protects Your Loved Ones2023-02-24T16:57:48+00:00
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